Mobile Listings: Top Tweaks For Amazon Mobile Customers

In a recent study, it was discovered that 80% of shoppers use their mobile devices first to…

  • Read recent reviews of a product
  • Check ratings from other consumers
  • Assess the overall quality of a product

…before actually buying a product from that store. That is an astounding number in comparison to past years.

In this article we’ll show you exactly what changes you should be making to your…

  • Product Title
  • Product Description
  • Bullet Points
  • Product Images

To ensure you are optimized for EVERY bit of traffic that comes to your listing.

Table of Contents

Amazon Mobile Optimization: Is it Really That Important?

In the United States alone, there are approximately 125 million smartphone owners who are also consumers. While 50 million people are also tablet owners.

62% of these users have been reported to have made online purchases in the past 6 months and that trend is likely to only see an increase.

Still not convinced?

The biggest online stores, including Amazon themselves, have announced that with mobile vs desktop usage, a larger percentage of online traffic and sales is starting to come from mobile devices.

You as an Amazon seller need to be prepared to understand how to present your products in the online market in this context.

By ignoring this you would be…

  • Missing out on potential sales from this traffic source
  • Leaving yourself vulnerable to your competition capitalizing on those sales

In the competitive Amazon ecosystem, you need to always be making sure you obtain every sale you can to maintain/improve your rankings.

We’ve already shown you how to optimize Amazon listings with this in mind. In this article, we’ll show you where to make the necessary tweaks for mobile.

Amazon Listings: Differences Between Desktop & Mobile

In the mobile version of your listing, there are changes to 4 key parts of your Amazon listing:

  • Product Title
  • Product Description
  • Bullet Points
  • Product Images

In the following sections, we’ll show you exactly what those differences are to help make sure you optimize where necessary, ensuring your product stands out on mobile.

Product Title

Not only is the product title the first source of keywords Amazon scans when a consumer searches for a product on their website, it’s the very first thing that your potential customer will see when they land on your product.

Knowing that, here are a few things you should consider when writing your product title for mobile.

The First 18 Characters

In the mobile Amazon app product listings, consumers can only see the first 18 characters of the product title. The rest are cut off and can only be seen once you click the actual title.

So make sure you are optimizing that 18 character limit and including most important words.

Not sure what to include?

Your Top Keywords

Firstly, the title should keep the most important keywords about your product.

You should NOT sacrifice search engine optimization for conversion optimization. The title you worked so hard to optimize means nothing if no one sees it.

Does that mean you can’t do anything? Not at all.

What you can do is simply make sure the most important keywords are more visible, which is done by making sure they show up in these first 18 characters.

Additionally, if your product is used with a certain brand…

e.g. Sony Xperia T2 Ultra Flip Case

… this is another thing to make sure to include in your title.

Product Description

As you likely already know, the product description usually tells the basics as well as the best features of the product and what it is for.

In the mobile app, the product description is usually displayed as a single paragraph.

Only the first 201 characters of the description will be shown before the rest is revealed by clicking the “Show More” or “See More” buttons, so bear this in mind.

Bullet Points

These typically contain the benefits, advantages and edge of your product compared to others.

Some things to consider on writing bullet benefits:

The First 3 Bullets

While the bullets are still shown, mobile users will only have the first three visible.

So make sure you prioritize the most important benefits that resonate with your potential customer in these first three points.

How do you know the most important ones?

Product Review Analysis

Read your reviews and the reviews of competitors with similar products. Look at the most helpful reviews and identify:

  • What are points that you consistently see brought up in the Most Helpful Reviews?
  • Commonly mentioned features?
  • Frequently occurring pains?
  • Most popular use cases

All of these give you a glimpse into not only how people evaluate your product niche, but the Most Helpful votes help you identify which of those experiences your potential customers are most likely going to relate to.

Using that information, keep your list of benefits and advantages concise.

One best practice of doing this effectively is writing the first word of your bullet benefits in capital letters.

Remember, you can use more than 3 points, just make sure the most important ones are in the first 3.

Product Image

As the old saying goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words”.

That is precisely why the main product image is probably one of the most important things to consider when managing your Amazon mobile listings.

While the title plays the role in making your product relevant for keywords, the product photo is what ultimately convinces the customer into buying.

It’s the first things to grab a consumer’s attention after the title.

Mobile Image Sizing

One of the more apparent differences on the mobile platform, is that app images are presented considerably smaller in size on the Amazon app vs the desktop website.

It’s not too surprising that smaller screen means smaller image size. However, this means the quality of the image being shown should be a top priority. Ensure that it is very clear and easy to see, despite its size.

Additionally, mobile apps seem to favor images with longer proportions than those with wider proportions.

This is probably because the default orientation of most phones are portrait.

You also need take into consideration that most mobile images may be zoomed in and out so that consumers can get a better look at the physical features of the product.

Thus, your images must be clear and not pixelated when zoomed in. When uploading, make sure you are meeting Amazon’s minimal technical requirements of 1000px in either height or width.

As you likely have multiple images, be sure to check that all of your product images show all different angles and views of the product but meet these specifications.

To Wrap It All Up

As smartphone functionality continues to grow, so will its presence in our day-to-day lives.

It is in your best interest as an Amazon seller to be ready for these changes to make sure your products are in the best position to benefit, as amazon mobile vs desktop traffic will only grow. And ultimately, you can be reaping those benefits right now.

By making the right changes we discussed to your…

  • Product Title
  • Product Description
  • Bullet Points
  • Product Images

…you can ensure your business is ready take advantage of this ever growing trend. Now get to it!



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